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                                                                                       Thank you for being here



                                            Here are a few tips to get the most out of your time in this virtual experience

The virtual site has been designed with intuitiveness as the priority. To ensure nothing gets in the way of your experience, every single modality is optimized for straightforward use, only requiring you to scroll and click. Just like that.

Under the "Statues" page, a gallery of some of Algeria's most contested statues will welcome you. Simply click on any of the photographs to learn more, and if desired you can also enjoy the photo for its viewing pleasure - enjoy taking in every little detail as each photograph, even the +100 year old ones, have been refactored and algorithmically enhanced without any loss in quality as they were scaled up. The same of course applies to the "Streets" page awaiting you.


The first given image is of the colonial circumstances, with the following being the post colonial reality of the previous image. Each particular case is presented as a group of 2 images back to back. Streets page houses 4 such cases, and Statues page showcases 3 cases - with the final case study being presented by 2 images side-by-side in the same frame (Le Pavois).

Your insight is appreciated

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